4 min readApr 5, 2019

For creators, digital platforms like YouTube start as a best friend, a perfect lover or that person ‘who just gets you.’ At first, they are open to your ideas; they think you’re brilliant; they help you out; they’ve got your back.

But it’s a lure, one they’ve perfected, over and over again.

You take the lure because it’s the biggest, shiniest one. There’s a honeymoon period; you feel seen, recognized, and heard. But little things happen, rules start changing unbeknownst to you — your bank balance isn’t what it used to be, your new partner isn’t listening, forgetting to tell you things, and then, ominously, you’re stuck. The perfect partner has grown too big for you. You try and leave, but all the other relevant options you might have had are now controlled by your abusive partner. Their market dominance shuts all the doors you might have opened. Your creative content is now obscured and siloed into an algorithm that makes money for the platform, always, and leaves you out to dry.

More and more content creators are finding themselves in this position and with the behemoth companies like YouTube’s digital platform exerting more control over how content is distributed, it’s impossible for you — the Creator- to exist in any relevance outside of their dominant platform. When this happens, you no longer have the loyalty of your customer base. It’s been appropriated by the dominant platform.

Let’s say you currently have a video up on YouTube and a user comes to it after searching for your specific content from another search engine. When the user watches your video, you, the creator, currently get 55% of the ad revenue for that watch, but (and this is where creators are entirely losing out) YouTube doesn’t put another one of your videos next-in-line as a suggested video, (promoting you and your content), instead it puts another, similar creator’s vision, next-in-line. Now, YouTube is the brand solution for your customer’s needs and not you. The second creator gets the same deal and YouTube extracts all the value in-between. Not to mention gaining your customer’s loyalty with their algorithm — taking all power out of your hands. You, the creator, lose financially and, all by design, YouTube generates more value for itself. You have no voice in the relationship. And, to make matters worse, now you have to deal with the arbitrary changes in ad revenues? Did they tell you about it? Why are you earning less all the sudden? What about the algorithms for driving traffic to you? Your views are down, the rules have changed. Ad revenues are less, and you are stuck in this relationship because your partner consumed all the other platforms you might’ve you hooked up with.

Angry yet? You should be.

The internet companies out there are not going to help solve this ‘Creator’s Dilemma.’ Why would they? They are raking in cash at the expense of their content creators, and the users are ultimately driven to other content by manipulation. Ask yourself- how much more creative content would be out there if we didn’t have the likes of YouTube to tell us (or drive us to) what we should watch next? The creative folks are stuck in a financial situation with dominant digital platforms that stifles their creativity. It seems an insurmountable problem. It isn’t.

A solution is here.

Rokfin, the company that is set to take away the influence and dominance of the digital platforms and reward the network effects to its content creators, putting the power back in their hands.

Rokfin creators rely on a robust subscription-based business model which inherently removes the need for content creators to be beholden to advertisers. The platform uses blockchain technology which allows the network to work without the control of a dominant digital platform or a middle man. Thus, it’s a consensus aligned between the content creators and the subscribers, with transparent rules reliable to all users. Within the old framework of a digital network platform, content creators are pitted against one another. But, by joining Rokfin, a relationship is formed which is both financially and creatively beneficial for its content creators. Unlike the other digital platforms, Rokfin doesn’t need its contributors to be in constant competition — there’s no reason for it. In fact, it’s the opposite. Because when Creators collaborate their interests automatically align with the growth of the network. Why? The more participants Rokfin has the more potential for financial gain. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved. And, with the use of blockchain technology, it’s difficult to change the rules after the fact. Rules can only adapt with a consensus of its users, creating a synergy that elevates verifiable trust.

Rokfin is a connection of content creators and subscribers that removes network control, aligns participants, and drives consolidation. It’s a two-sided marketplace putting creators first without a fat middle-man changing the rules to line his pockets. Blockchain technology, a tool powering Rokfin’s platform, makes it so that can’t happen. No longer will content creators be sidelined and taken advantage. Rokfin eliminates the creator’s dilemma.

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Written by Rokfin

The digital platform that works for you. #MakeIt

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